About.We develop elegant instructional design and elearning solutions for corporations and educational institutions to enhance the training and learning experiences of adult learners.
You can trust us to keep our word and to deliver what we promise. You can also have confidence in the integrity — wholeness — of the instruction we create. We ensure that activities and assessments align with objectives so all the pieces fit together to focus the learner experience. We ensure the look and feel of your project is consistent. We believe this kind of design integrity results in maximum impact and retention.
Our aim is to be clear and direct in our communications with you and also in the products we create. You won't need to guess what we mean — and neither will your learners. We have years of professional experience in technical writing, research writing, and content creation. We know how to write well, and we're meticulous about getting it right.
We strive to deliver the best quality possible within the scope of your project. Our standards are high, and we won't rest until we reach them. We offer professional writing and proofreading services, and we're meticulous when it comes to consistency.
We bring creativity to your project by thinking outside the box to foster great learning experiences instead of following the status quo. There are acceptable learning products, and then there are great ones. We strive for the great ones — memorable, meaningful, surprising, and challenging. Let us brainstorm with you to unleash the creative process and find a "gold star" solution.
Our CompanyGoldStar ID LLC was founded by Patricia David to provide companies and educational institutions with creative instructional design and elearning solutions focused on real world experiences and adult learner preferences. With a relentless focus on quality and "educational ROI," Patty David and her team hope to bring common sense to an industry often distracted by the bells and whistles of technology — at the expense of real learning.
Our FounderPatricia (Patty) David, PhD, is an education professional specializing in adult learning theory, learning experience design, and elearning. With a background that also includes project and program management, professional writing, and face-to-face as well as online teaching, she offers a broad perspective of the entire learning experience and project needs.
Dr. Keith Bezant Niblett
Dr. Susan Manning
Dr. Susan Garrett